Programación y Diseño de Bases de Datos con SQL
This course engages students to analyze complex business scenarios and create a data model—a conceptual representation of an organization’s information. Participants implement their database design by creating a physical database using SQL. Basic SQL syntax and the rules for constructing valid SQL statements are reviewed. This course culminates with a project that challenges students to design, implement, and demonstrate a database solution for a business or organization.
For college/university faculty who teach computer programming, information communications technology (ICT), or a related subject • Secondary school teachers who teach computer programming, ICT, or a related subject.
Prerequisites Required: Ease with using a computer and general knowledge of databases and query activity
180 horas
Curso Online
What is Data Modeling?
Entity Relationship Diagramming
Supertypes, Subtypes, and Business Rules
Working with EntityRelationships
Unique Identifiers and Normalization
Arcs, Hierarchies, and Historical Data
ERD Project Presentation
Drawing Conventions and Generic Modeling
Transforming From Conceptual Model to Physical Model
Introduction to SQL
Using Complex SQL with Aggregated Data
Creating Subqueries
Constructing DML Statements
Working with DDL Statements
Fundamentals of Database Security
Oracle ProprietaryJoin Syntax