get connected

Get Connected

This is an introductory course that focuses on basic computer and Internet navigation skills and their relevance in our global society. The curriculum is designed for students looking for a basic introduction to IT fundamentals and students looking for an introduction to the Internet, email, and social media applications.

This course provides an introduction to the digital world with networks as a foundation for connecting people and things. The curriculum helps students understand how to use computers and connect to the Internet. Get Connected also explores the human network and introduces students to the world of social media. Students experience the fun and value of interacting with others through common software applications and tools.

The course is designed for students to self-enroll and take the course at their own pace in places and at times most convenient to them.  Students who complete this course may also be interested in pursuing further IT education and enroll in the NetAcad™ IT Essentials course. The course has an estimated time to complete of 30 hours.


Students will be able to complete the following objectives:


  • Identify and describe the different types of computers
  • Differentiate between what is hardware and softwares
  • Identify input and output devices
  • Describe the difference between different operating systems
  • Identify different basic types of hardware and software
  • How to turn on and properly turn off a computer
  • Navigate a Windows desktop computer and open programs
  • Identify different types of files and browse through computer folders
  • Create, save, open and edit text documents on a computer
  • Explain what is a computer network and how computers communicate
  • Describe how the internet works and identify basic internet services
  • Surf the internet using a computer browser
  • Describe how a computer connects to the internet and the different connection types
  • Create an email account and send and receive email
  • Use different internet tools and sites for study and job opportunities
  • Create and use a Facebook and LinkedIn accounts


30 horas

Curso Online



Del 1 de enero 2023
al 31 de diciembre 2023


  1. Basic computer knowledge
  2. Files and Directories
  3. All About the Internet
  4. Exploring the Human Network
  5. Stay Connected
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    ods educación
    Paseo Isabel la Católica nº6