website design
microsoft learn for educators

Introduction to Developing Websites Using HTML and CSS

This course can be experienced as a self-paced series of modules, a one-semester long curriculum for a course on web development, or as a series of lessons and activities for an after school or lunchtime club. You don’t need any previous web development experience to teach it, or take it. All you need is a browser, a text editor, and a willingness to explore and try things out!

This course will introduce you to the basics of HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the languages used to craft websites. Learning HTML and CSS will enable you to design and create the user interface, also known as the front end, of your websites. Understanding how HTML and CSS work will give you the power to build your own websites or customize other templates to make your content appear exactly the way you want it to.


  • This course will introduce you to the basics of HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the languages used to craft websites.
  • Learning HTML and CSS will enable you to design and create the user interface, also known as the front end, of your websites.
  • Understanding how HTML and CSS work will give you the power to build your own websites or customize other templates to make your content appear exactly the way you want it to.


30 horas

Curso Online

Del 1 de enero 2023
al 31 de diciembre 2023


  1. The Web

  2. HTML Basics

  3. HTML Lists

  4. HTML Links

  5. HTML Tables

  6. HTML Forms

  7. Multimedia

  8. Mini-Project

  9. CSS Basics

  10. CSS Color

  11. CSS Text

  12. CSS Elements

  13. CSS Layout

  14. Final Project

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